After 24 years of journey KVM Public School has not reached the state of stagnation still it craves to grow further to flutter higher and higher. Our pioneers have put their heart and soul to achieve this aim.
"I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think “Socrates. Open mindedness, a multicultural orientation, independence, a global outlook, multiple intelligence and abilities these are the premium qualities needed a 21st century organization, the school desires to set an approach to learning that incorporates inquiry, research, analytical thinking and an ethical approach that becomes a lifetime habit.
The students are helped to focus on confidence building, while nurturing a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility through a academic and cocurricular activities as we believe, likePaul “bear" Bryant that, "it is not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference."
School culture which has been already established is a strong foundation and utmost care must be taken to preserve this for the future. This base can accommodate a superstructure upon that, only the sky being the limit to its growth. Let us journey though time in togetherness on the path firmly laid by the pioneers to exploring continuously and emerging with measurable success in our stride towards us around goals.